Roland g-70 业主指南

页码 260
Using the 16-track sequencer
G-70 Music Workstation
Editing events
Editing Pitch Bend messages
Pitch Bend messages can be positive or negative (the 
range is –128~128). The value “0” means that the 
pitch of notes being played in that area is not altered.
If a Pitch Bend occurrence is not reset to “0” at some 
stage, all notes will keep sounding flat when you no 
longer want them to.
Editing control changes and aftertouch messages
These messages (CC, Poly Aftertouch and Channel 
Aftertouch) can be set to the desired value (0~127) 
when the corresponding effect is needed – but they 
also need to be reset to “0” to avoid unpleasant sur-
The G-70’s keyboard does not generate Poly After-
touch messages, but its sound source understands 
them. Poly Aftertouch messages are always related to 
a given note, which is why you first need to tell the 
sequencer which note the event applies to: “0 (C–)”~
“127 (G9)”. Next, specify the desired Aftertouch value 
About the “Note” messages
As stated above, note messages comprise a note 
number, a velocity value and a Gate Time value.
The range for note numbers is “0 (C–)”~“127 (G9)”. 
Velocity messages can be set anywhere between “1” 
(extremely soft) and “127”. The value “0” cannot be 
entered, because it would effectively switch off the 
After selecting the Gate Time entry, pressing the 
[DATA÷ENTRY] dial calls up the following pop-up:
The maximum duration a note event can have is 
65,535 clocks. 
Drum parts usually use the Gate Time value “1” for all 
notes. Increasing it to “20”, for example, has no audi-
ble effect on the sound durations.
Other edit operations
The fields in the right half of the MICRO EDIT page 
allow you to reduce or expand the number of events of 
the track you selected.
Press this button icon to add a new event to the 
selected track. The following pop-up appears:
• Press the button icon that corresponds to the kind of 
event you want to add.
Here are the default values of the events you create:
• Specify the position where your new event should be 
inserted by pressing the [BAR], [BEAT] and [CPT] fields 
and entering the desired value for each unit using 
the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or the [DEC]/[INC] buttons.
• Press the [EXECUTE] field to confirm your settings 
and add the new event.
Press [CLOSE] to close the pop-up window without 
applying your changes.
If the position for which you create a new event already 
contains other events, the new event is added at the 
end of that group. 
Note: Note Number: 60 C4
On Velocity: 100
Gate Time: 60
Control Change: CC01 Modulation, value “0”
Program  Change*:
[*] “Control Change” also allows you to insert Bank Select mes-
sages (CC00 and CC32). Such messages must be located BEFORE
the program change to which they apply. The correct order is:
→ CC32→ PC. Also, it is usually wiser to assign these three
values to consecutive CPT positions.
Program Change Number “1”
Pitch Bend: “0”
Poly Aftertouch: Note Number: 60 C4
Poly Aftertouch Value: “0”
Channel After-