Roland RD-700GX 用户指南

页码 216
Effects Not Applied/
Effects Sound Wrong
Is a TW-Organ 1–10 Tone selected? 
Effects are applied differently to the Tone Wheel than they are with other effects.
• Effects set in Effects MFX Source are applied regardless of the MFX setting for each Tone in the 
• When Tone Wheel is selected for multiple Parts, it is applied to all the Parts, regardless of whether 
the Rx. Pitch Bend and Rx. Hold-1 in the Part Parameter settings are ON or OFF.
Are the MULTI-EFFECTS 1 [ON/OFF] button and MULTI-EFFECTS 2 [ON/OFF] button set to 
In some cases where the delay timing selected in the DELAY settings in Effects is set to a note 
value, the delay sound may not be heard. Either adjust the tempo or change the numerical 
value of the delay timing.
No Modulation When 
Pitch Bend Lever is Moved
Is the Tone Wheel screen appearing in the display? 
• The modulation effect cannot be applied with the pitch bend lever while the Tone Wheel screen 
is in the display. In this case, the pitch bend lever functions as a slow/fast switch for the Rotary 
Could you have selected the SuperNatural E. Piano sound?
You can’t apply pitch bend or modulation effects to the SuperNatural E. Piano sound.
Sounds Come From Left 
or Right Each Time Key is 
Pressed (Panned)
In some Tones, the settings are such that sounds randomly play from the left or right side (are 
panned) each time the keys are pressed. These settings cannot be changed.
Sound is Distorted
Sounds can be distorted due to equalizer, multi-effect, and Part volume settings. Adjust the 
following settings.
• ZONE LEVEL sliders
• System Master Volume settings
• Equalizer Input Gain settings
Is a distortion-type effect being applied to the sound?
Cannot Select the Tone 
Wheel Screen
The screen is displayed by selecting a Organ Tone (TW-Organ 1–10) for any part in the Tone 
screen, and then pressing Cursor the [
] button.
Key Range Settings Not 
Is the [SPLIT] button set to OFF? 
• Key Range goes into effect when the [SPLIT] button set to ON.
Tempo Doesn’t Change
Is the System Clock Source setting in Edit mode set to “EXT”? 
• When you want to perform using the RD-700GX’s tempo, set this to “INT”.
Pitch is Odd
Depending on the Tone selected, pitches played in certain registers will be changed and 
played at other pitches.
Is Coarse Tune, Fine Tune, or Stretch Tune set for any specific Part? 
Check the following settings.
• TONE INFO Course Tune, Fine Tune
• C.T and F.T setting in External screen
Has the RD-700GX gone out of tune? 
Check the following settings.
• System Master Tune settings in Edit mode.
• System Temperament settings in Edit mode
• Micro Tune settings in Piano Designer
Has the pitch been changed by pedal operations or by Pitch Bend messages received from 
an external MIDI device?
Have you set Transpose?
Sound is Cut Off
When you try playing more than the maximum 128 voices simultaneously, sounds currently 
being played may be cut out. 
• Increase the Voice Reserve settings for the Parts you do not want to have cut off.
Page 149 ページ 2008年2月13日 水曜日 午後5時49分