Xerox SmartSend Support & Software 用户指南

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Site Configuration
Installation and Administration Guide
Setup E-mail and Address Book
The Setup E-mail and Address Book link on the Administration Home Page enables you to configure 
the SMARTsend SMTP and LDAP server configuration settings. These settings are required to enable 
SMARTsend features such as scan to e-mail and e-mail confirmation/notification messages, and the 
integrated address book features that enable users to enter part of a name in the SMARTsend fields 
that specify e-mail addresses as scanning destinations. 
When you have finished entering SMTP and LDAP server information, click Apply to save your settings 
or click Reset to remove changes.
SMTP Server Configuration
SMARTsend uses the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server for outgoing e-mail only. SMARTsend 
features that require a configured SMTP Server include scan to e-mail destinations, scan job 
confirmations, administrative event notifications, and configuration test messages. These SMTP-based 
features may be considered optional, but they are recommended and will not function until a SMTP 
Server is properly configured within SMARTsend.
To configure these settings, enter the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server, port 
and authentication method (Username and Password) required by your SMTP server and click Test. If 
SMARTsend can contact the SMTP server and send a test message to the SMARTsend administrator, a 
status of Succeeded appears. If the test fails, you should confirm that the server information and the 
Reply To e-mail address was entered correctly. Also note that firewall or antivirus settings may block 
network traffic on port 25, which may be required for SMTP communication. If needed, modify the 
firewall or antivirus configurations to permit SMTP communication on port 25, then test the 
configuration again. If the test fails after confirming all these settings, check to see if the SMTP server 
is accessible and functioning properly with other applications to determine if the problem resides with 
the SMTP server.
The Test button for the SMTP server uses the SMARTsend Administrator E-mail 
Address that is defined on the General Settings page (Administration Home Page >> 
General Settings >> Administrator Contact Information). The test will fail if a valid e-mail 
address is not provided in this field. See 
99 for more information.