Cisco Cisco Collaboration Server Dynamic Content Adapter 维护手册

页码 62
Cisco Collaboration Server ScriptBuilder Guide – Version 5.0 
User-defined Script Creation and Administration 
As a Script Administrator, you create, implement, and modify scripts.  
The following concepts provide more information about administering user-defined 
•  Script Creation 
•  Script Implementation 
•  Script Modification 
Script Creation 
Create the script in your preferred third-party HTML editor.  Write your HTML code 
for the script, inserting the supported JavaScript functions into anchor tags to add 
content to your script.  Format the script content however you choose using regular 
HTML formatting tags.  Include speaker notes and other non-sharable information for 
the agent as you would write any plain text on a regular HTML page. 
You should include a link back to the script menu at the end of your script.   
Remember to save your script with an .htm or .html extension. 
See Also 
For more information on 
The supported JavaScript functions and how 
to use them in your scripts 
Supported JavaScript Functions 
Script Implementation 
After you create a user-defined script, you must place the script on your 
Collaboration Server in a directory that is accessible through a Web alias.  You 
should choose one location for all of your user-defined scripts so that you can 
administrate and modify the scripts easily.