Cisco Cisco 4100 Series Wireless LAN Controller 技术参考

页码 190
config aepi
OL-7427-01 Rev 1
Global, Auto.
To have Radio Resource Management (RRM) automatically set the transmit 
power for all 802.11b/g Cisco Radios at periodic intervals:
>config 802.11a txPower global auto
To have Radio Resource Management (RRM) automatically reset the transmit 
power for all 802.11b/g Cisco Radios one time:
>config 802.11b txPower global once
To set transmit power for all 802.11b/g Cisco Radios to power level 5 (lowest):
>config 802.11b txPower global 5
To set transmit power for 802.11b/g AP1 to global:
>config 802.11b txPower AP1 global
To set transmit power for 802.11b/g AP1 to power level 2:
>config 802.11b txPower AP1 2
Related Commands
show ap config 802.11b, config 802.11a txPower, config country
config aepi
config aepi
To configure External Policy Servers, use the config aepi command. 
config aepi [acl/add/delete/disable/enable] [index]
config aepi
Command action.
Configures the AEPI ACL Name.
add <index> <IP addr> <port> <secret>
Configures the External Policy Server.
delete <index>
Deletes the External Policy Server.
disable <index>
Disables the External Policy Server.
enable <index>
Enables the External Policy Server.
>config aepi enable acl01
Related Commands
show aepi
config acl
config acl
To configure Access Control Lists, use the config acl command. 
config acl [apply/create/delete/rule] [name]
 The Cisco 1000 Series lightweight access point 802.11b Cisco Radio supports 
five transmit power levels: 1 = Maximum transmit power level allowed per Country 
Code setting, 2 = 50% power, 3 = 25% power, 4 = 6.25 to 12.5% power, and 
5 = 0.195 to 6.25% power.
Refer to Cisco SWAN Supported Country Codes in the Product Guide for the 
maximum regulatory Transmit Power Level Limits published for each Country Code. 
Note that the power levels and available channels are defined by the Country Code 
setting, and are regulated on a country by country basis. Also note that the actual 
maximum transmit power levels may be less than the published regulatory limits.