Cisco Cisco Broadband Access Center Telco Wireless 3.10

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Cisco Broadband Access Center for Cable Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 8      Broadband Access Center for Cable Support Tools and Advanced Concepts
The RDU Log Level Tool
Setting the RDU Log Level
You can use this tool to change the logging level from one value to any other value. The following 
example illustrates how to set the RDU logging level to the warning level, as indicated by the number 4 
in the command. The actual log level set is not important for the procedure, it can be 
interchanged as required.
To set the RDU logging level:
Step 1
Change directory to  <BPR_HOME>/rdu/bin.
Step 2
Run the RDU log level tool using this command: 4
This prompt appears:
Please type RDU username:
Step 3
Enter the RDU username at the prompt. In this example, the default username (admin) is used.
Please type RDU username: admin
This prompt appears:
Please type RDU password:
Step 4
Enter the RDU password for the RDU at the prompt. In this, example the default password (changeme) 
is used. 
Please type RDU password: changeme
This message appears to notify you that the log level has been changed. In this example, the level was 
5, for notification, and is now 4, for warning.
RDU Log level was changed from 5 (notification) to 4 (warning).
Viewing the RDU's Current Log Level
You can use this tool to view the RDU log and determine which logging level is configured before 
attempting to change the value. This procedure illustrates how to use the tool to view the RDU's current 
logging level, and assumes that you have a computer already connected to the RDU.
To view the RDU’s current logging level:
Step 1
Change directory to  <BPR_HOME>/rdu/bin.
Step 2
Run this command: -show
This prompt appears:
Please type RDU username: