Cisco Cisco TV Streamer Application 發佈版本通知

页码 16
Release Notes for Cisco VDS-TV 3.2.7
  Open Caveats
MD5 checksum are same
IP Nickname page slow
LSC Jump requests return values are missing or incorrect
Limit the rate of evaluator queries
3.2.3-b3, syntax error in run_isa script; the ISA services fail to start
CDSM/VVIM Callsign can't be imported
avs_clist can't work in 3.x version
2.5.8 OCN: Live recording failed due to not find ADI.XML file
420-4G CGW crashed due to \"divide error: 0000 [1] SMP\"
CDE2502A4 going into kdb as soonest it sees other vaults
Top Flag Field is being forced to true for progressive contents
CDSM - Show indicator for synchronization between CDSMs
FSI Core due to interaction with the syslog-ng framework
CDE250-2A4 vault crashed while rebooting
Ingest mirroring is causing inefficient (small) disk write IOs
350-Management role on CDSM, changed when downgraded to 2.5.7
Vault hit Kdb on ingesting 20gb content while testing content chunking
cdsconfig should automatically delete replay database files
VVIM system level monitoring doesn't get displayed
No Specific sysobjectid assigned to CDE-470-K9 in entity script does not operate as expected
VVIM doesn't allow to generate more than 250 server ids per stream domain
NGOD remote syslog did not contain detailed message
Importer doesn't delete .fin file
Low priority bandwidth calculation need to include receive buffer backlog
Data Recovery should further limit concurrent work rate
compacting server state going down in replication servers while compact
3.2.6 : paidtogoid script shows improper GOID for a high value Subtype
3.2.6 Vault hits KDB with an Assert \”s_adapterArray[adapterIndex] != 0\"
Some of the RTSP settings are missing in HELP option in CDSM GUI
RTSP is performing no path-mtu-discovery and sets \"Do not fragment\" bit
Handle low priority traffic more efficiently
VVIM GUI queries creating extremely large avsdb.log files
Not able to reschedule a play out that unscheduled
Vitals incorrectly read: Alarms send incorrectly
Vault targeted with too much work needs back off capability
db entries are not being pruned from the db
Vault crash due to memory corruption
Table 2
Open Caveats in VDS-TV 3.2.7 Release (continued)
Bug ID