Cisco Cisco TV Streamer Application 發佈版本通知

页码 16
Release Notes for Cisco VDS-TV 3.2.7
 lists the enhancements in the VDS-TV 3.2.7 release.
Click on the bug ID to view the bug details. This information is displayed in the 
Open Caveats
 lists the open issues in the VDS-TV 3.2.7 release.
Click on the bug ID to view the bug details. This information is displayed in the 
Table 1
Enhancements in VDS-TV 3.2.7 Release 
Bug ID
Removing remote vaults once they have been detected
3.2.5-es1b7:Script should not replicate REPLAY_BKUP file if already in use
CDSGenerateConfig should work for setup & control configuration in separate 
Common avsdb error logs for all deployments
DAI solution to handle regeneration of index for already ingested assets
Link GCOV facility to the application services
Improve Core dump file creation
AVSDB needs to print time in avsdb-err.log
Server overall capacity should include network CPU.
\"defer\" evaluator triggers when a vault fails in order to avoid churn
CDSM - Display streamer ID and Control Server ID on Stream Monitor page
Last sentence of advertisement segments are being clipped off
Support for writing conversion mode to the setup file
Cronjob for repdb_bkup file should run for rtsp specific needed DB files
Table 2
Open Caveats in VDS-TV 3.2.7 Release 
Bug ID
Remote server file in SHE has VHO vaults details
NGOD RTSP server did not teardown timeout session
CALYPSO ASSERT: \"\"addHole failed\"\" failed in file
IPndvr - Slow disk I/O's warning while streaming in-progress contents
NULL pointer dereference in C2K_Object::createObjects
Vault Smooting being held off by stuck mirroring evaluators
2.5.5-es2b9: Both vaults are becoming master over a period of time.
Live ingest would delay after system run a long time
Smoothing algorithm needs to be fixed to run less often
Add statistics to track individual control message bandwidth.