TP-LINK TD-8817 用户手册

页码 74
ADSL2+ Ethernet/USB Modem Router User Guide 
4.5  Access Management 
Choose “Access Management”, you can see the next submenus: 
Figure 4-33 
Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the corresponding function. 
4.5.1  ACL 
Choose “Access ManagementACL”, you can see the next screen (shown in Figure 4-34). You 
can specify the client to access the ADSL modem router once setting his IP as a Secure IP 
Address through selected applications. 
Figure 4-34 
  ACL:  If  Activated, the IP addresses which are contained in the Access Control List can 
access to the modem router. If Deactivated, all IP addresses can access to the modem 
  ACL Rule Index: Select the ACL rule index for the entry.   
  Active: Enable the ACL rule. 
  Secure IP Address: Select the IP addresses which are permitted to access to the modem 
router remotely. With the default IP, any client would be allowed to remotely access 
the ADSL modem router. 
  Application: Select the application for the ACL rule, and then you can access the Router 
through it. 
  Interface: Select the interface for access: LAN, WAN or Both. 
  Access Control of Listing: This displays the information about the ACL Rules.