opcode studio 4 用户手册

页码 91
PART 2: Using The Studio 4
Opcode Systems, Inc.
In OMS-compatible applications, if you 
choose the Studio 4 as a MIDI input, only 
timecode from the Studio 4 and MIDI 
beat clock from any devices connected to 
the Studio 4 are sent to the application—
other types of MIDI data from devices 
attached to the Studio 4 are not sent. 
Select devices by name (rather than 
selecting the interface) if you want to use 
them as MIDI inputs.
Figure 5.1: Enabling Inputs in Vision
In this example, the GeoSkin Drums, 
Masterman 88 and MIDI Tuba are 
enabled as input devices in Vision (they 
are highlighted). Vision “sees” MIDI data 
only from these devices. Data from other 
devices connected to the Studio 4 is not 
sent to Vision.
See your OMS-compatible application 
manuals for more information.
The Studio 4 acts like a standard interface 
or a MIDI Time Piece when used with 
non-OMS applications. Use the Network 
Routing window’s Compatibility columns 
to enable MIDI inputs and outputs, and 
the Port columns to choose port assign-
ments. The Network Routing window is 
discussed in Chapter 6.
For each Studio 4 that's connected 
directly to a Macintosh, you must set a 
basic communication speed to match both 
the position of the Studio 4’s front panel 
1MHz/Fast switch and the communica-
tion speed settings you choose in your 
MIDI applications. If you’re using Fast 
mode, you may also optimize the 
Studio 4-to-Macintosh communication 
speed for maximum MIDI throughput.
To establish communication speed, you 
Open the current OMS Studio Setup 
document and double-click a Studio 4 
icon to open the Studio 4<-
>Macintosh Communication Speed 
dialog box.
1. In Vision, choosing 
Enable Input Devices 
opens this dialog box
2. Use this dialog box to tell Vision 
which devices will send it data.