Wilson Electronics LLC 2B1225 用户手册

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Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com     Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
How it Works
Wilson Electronics signal boosters are bi-directional devices that deliver service levels 
consistent with what would be expected in areas of high cell network coverage .  They 
amplify a weak or shadowed signal in mobile, marine and in-building applications .
When using a Wilson Electronics signal booster in conjunction with Wilson Electronics 
antennas, the outside antenna will collect the cell tower signal and send it through the 
cable to the signal booster .  Cell phones and cellular data cards then communicate with the 
improved signal .  When a cell phone or cellular data card transmits, the signal is amplified 
by the signal booster and broadcast back to the cell tower through the outside antenna .
Installing a Wilson External Adapter
An external adapter is required to connect the cell phone or cellular data card to the signal 
booster.  The external adapter is cell phone/data card-specific and may be purchased 
through a local retailer . Refer to Wilson Electronics Adapter Guide to identify the correct 
adapter for your cell phone or cellular data card . The adapter guide is available through a 
local retailer or at www.WilsonElectronics.com . The external adapter plugs into the antenna 
extension cable (included) and directly into a socket on the cell phone or cellular data card .
The external adapter and the extension cable are long enough to reach the signal booster 
location .  This allows for ease and convenience of use . Run the extension cable from the 
external adapter and attach it to the connector labeled “cellular phone or data card” on the 
signal booster .
NOTE: Depending on your specific cell phone, the adapter socket may be located beneath 
a rubber plug.
Installing a Wilson Outside Antenna
Select a location on the top of the structure to install the outside antenna that has the most 
unobstructed line of sight to the cell tower . To obtain maximum performance, the antenna 
should point toward the cell tower .  Follow the instructions included with the outside 
antenna and the RF Safety Warning (page 5) .
Lightning protection is recommended for all stationary installations .  
Take extreme care to ensure neither you nor the antenna come in contact with any electrical 
power lines . 
Ensure there are at least three feet of clearance in all directions surrounding the antenna .
Installing a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster 
Select a location to install the signal booster that is away from excessive heat, direct 
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sunlight, moisture and that has proper ventilation .  Ensure the signal booster is 
installed within six feet of where the cell phone or cellular data card will be used (to 
accommodate the six-foot adapter extension cable) .  
Run the cable from the outside antenna and attach it to the connector labeled “outside 
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antenna” on the signal booster .