Radwin Ltd. RW2058 用户手册

页码 211
Configuration with Telnet
 Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion  2.5.30p3
, below, shows the available Telnet commands via the Help 
Hello admin, welcome to ODU Management CLI!
     Software Revision           2.1.00_b2070_Jun  5 2008
admin@> Type "help" for help.
admin@> help
    display inventory
    display management
    display link
    display ethernet
    display tdm
    display ntp
    display PM <interface:AIR,LAN1,LAN2,TDM1,TDM2,TDM3,TDM4>
    set ip <ipaddr> <subnetMask> <gateway>
    set trap <index:1-10> <ipaddr> <port:1-65535>
    set readpw <writePasswd> <newPasswd>
    set writepw <writePasswd> <newPasswd>
    set trappw <writePasswd> <newPasswd>
    set buzzer <mode:0=OFF,1=ON>
    set tpc <power:Value between minimal TX power, and maximal TX power>
    set bridge <mode:0=Bridging OFF,1=Bridging ON>
    set name <new name>
    set location <new location>
    set contact <new contact>
    set ethernet <port:MNG,LAN1,LAN2> <mode:AUTO,10H,10F,100H,100F,DISABLE>
Command "help" finished OK.
Figure 6-15: Telnet Management Screen