Redline Communications Inc. AN50S 用户手册

页码 76
AN-50 System User Manual 
Redline Communications 
…..solving the first mile challenge
B) Wireless Status Indicators 
The Wireless portion of the front panel features two LEDs; Link and Signal, as shown 
Figure 3: Front Panel - Wireless 
Link – For a slave terminal, the “Link” LED lights solid green when the radio link to the 
master terminal is established and the LED will turn off if the link is lost. For a master 
terminal, the LED lights solid green when at least one radio link to any of the provisioned 
slaves is established and will turn off if all links are lost. 
Signal – The “Signal” LED lights solid green if the system, the link (the (links for a 
master) and the provisioned connections all operate within configured parameters.  See 
section 9.1.4 on page 49 for a detailed description. 
C) Ethernet Status Indicators 
The Ethernet portion of the front panel display comprises four main LEDs; Link, 100, FD 
and Col, as shown below. 
Figure 4: Front Panel – Ethernet 
Link – The “Link” LED illuminates solid green when the Local Area Network (LAN) 
connection is established, and there is no traffic.  The Link LED will flash when the Local 
Area Network (LAN) connection is established, and there is traffic. 
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