Vocera Communications B3000 用户手册

页码 166
 Calling with Department Names
40 ··· Vocera Badge User Guide
In addition to speaking the full name, you can spell either the first name, the
last name, or both names to contact a person. For example, you can use any of
the following commands to place a call to the user or address book entry Jesse
• Call Jesse Hart
• Call J-E-S-S-E
• Call H-A-R-T
• Call J-E-S-S-E-H-A-R-T
You must always speak or spell the full name to contact a group, place, or
alternate spoken name. For example, you can use either of the following
commands to place a call to the address book entry Poison Control:
• Call Poison Control
• Call P - O - I - S - O - N - C - O - N - T - R - O - L
qualifier is an additional name, such as a department or a site, that helps to
identify the party you are trying to contact in a voice command. You can use
either a spelling or a qualifier in a voice command, but you cannot use both.
In addition, you cannot spell the name of the qualifier—only the party you are
trying to contact.
For example, you can contact Maria Blount in the Imaging department by
saying either "Call M - A - R - I - A" or "Call Maria in Imaging". You cannot
use either "Call M - A - R - I - A in Imaging" or "Call Maria in I - M - A - G -
I - N - G". See 
 on page 40 for more
information about using departments.
Note:  Make sure you speak with an even pace and say each letter distinctly
when you spell a name. The Genie hears a spelling as a very long word, and you
don't want to trip it up!
Calling with Department Names
If your system administrator sets up departments, they are a convenient way
to contact other users on the Vocera system. When you use a department in a
voice command, Vocera can:
• Differentiate among users with the same first and last names.
For example, if your site has two users named John Smith, you can issue the
voice command "Call John Smith in Hardware".
• Identify a Vocera user when you know the first name and department, but
not the last name, of other people at your site.