Futaba Hendheld RC 2.4 GHz No. of channels: 14 1-F8075 数据表

页码 168
<Functions of Model Menu (Helicopter Functions)>
● Select the function name
and return to the Model
menu  by  touching  the 
R T N   b u t t o n .   O r   t h e 
H O M E / E X I T   b u t t o n   i s
When using a Futaba GV-1/GY701/CGY750 
governor, this function is used to switch the RPM 
of the helicopter's rotor head. The rotor head speed 
can be switched with each condition or the switch.
*The governor is used by connecting the governor speed 
setting channel to CH7 (initial setting).
*When using an independent governor [ON]/[OFF] switch, 
connect the AUX([ON]/[OFF]) connector of the governor to 
CH8 and set the switch to CH8 (Governor2) at the Function 
menu of the Linkage Menu.
Note: Always set (Control) and (Trim) to [--] 
for [Governor] of the Function menu of the 
Linkage menu.
● Select [GOVERNOR] at the Model menu and
access  the  setup  screen  shown  below  by
touching the RTN button.
● Moving cursor
● Selecting mode
● Adjusting value
● To next page
(Currently selected condition name)
●Unit display selection:
●Setup screen selection
●ACT/INH: INH (initial setting)
●Fine tuning VR settings
●RPM adjustment
●Condition/Switch selection
Setting method
●Activate the mixing
 When using this function, move the cursor to
the [INH] item and touch the RTN button to
switch to the data input mode.
 Select the ACT mode by scrolling the touch
*The display blinks.
 Touch the RTN button to activate the mixing
and  return  to  the  cursor  mode.  (ON  is
When  the  Governor  is  changed  from  the
default inhibited (INH) state to the active
(ACT)  state,  the  endpoint  menu  will  be
displayed  and  it  is  possible  to  utilize  the
endpoints for this given condition.
*When the function is set ON/OFF at the governor setup 
screen, the governor rpm setting channel end point servo 
travel and limit point are now initialized.
*When changed from INH to ACT (ON), the servo travel is 
initialized to 100 and the limit point is initialized to 155.
*When operation is changed to INH at all conditions, the 
servo travel is initialized to 100 and the limit point is 
initialized to 135.
Use the SensorTouch to scroll to either YES
(incorporate the default endpoints) or NO
(endpoints are not utilized. Press the Return
(RTN) button to confirm the selection made.
●RPM adjustment
 Move the cursor to the rate item and touch
the RTN button to switch to the data input
 Adjust the rpm by scrolling the touch sensor.
 Initial value: 50% (1500rpm)
 Adjustment  range:  OFF,  0~110%  (OFF,
*When  the  RTN  button  is  touched  for  one  second,  the 
sensitivity is reset to the initial value.)
 Touch the RTN button to return to the cursor
●Unit diplay selection
 Move the cursor to the UNIT item and touch
the RTN button to switch to the data input
mode. Select the unit by scrolling the touch
 Touch  the  RTN  button  to  change  the
operation mode and return  to the cursor