Boss Audio Systems BR-1600CD 用户手册

页码 312
Fixing the pitch of vocals/Adding a backing chorus to vocals (Vocal Tool Box)
Section 2
Applying a backing chorus to 
vocals (Harmony Sequence) 
Lets now use the BR-1600CD’s harmony sequence feature to 
apply a backing chorus to a solo vocal performance. A three-
part backing chorus will be created based on the chord 
sequence specified for your rhythm arrangement.
Backing chorus parts are created by modifying the pitch 
of the original solo vocal track. As a result, it will not be 
possible to create a backing chorus that uses different 
lyrics or a different rhythm than the original part.
Before using harmony sequence, record a solo vocal 
track to work with.
Enter a chord sequence for your rhythm arrangement. 
Press [REC MODE] several times until the BOUNCE 
indicator lights up.
The BR-1600CD will now enter Bounce mode.
This button will light up to indicate that the Vocal Tool 
Box is turned on. The Vocal Tool Box’s patch selection 
screen will appear.
Move the cursor to the patch number field and select a 
patch using the TIME/VALUE dial.
You should select a patch for which “HARMONY 
SEQUENCE” is displayed on-screen as the algorithm 
name here.
Press [F3] (LOCATION).
Use TIME/VALUE dial to select the track containing 
the solo vocal recording.
The following tracks can be selected at this time:
Tracks 1 through 8, or Tracks 9/10 through 15/16
Start playback on the BR-1600CD. 
Listen to the backing chorus that will now be applied to 
the solo vocal part during playback. If necessary, adjust 
the volume using the corresponding track fader. Press 
[STOP] to end playback.
Press a track button to select the track on which the 
backing chorus will be recorded.
The track button will turn red and start flashing to 
indicate selection as the recording track.
Move the faders for all tracks except the track including 
solo vocal recording all the way down.
Note that this also applies to faders for Drums, Bass, and 
Loop Phrases.
Press [ZERO] to jump to the start of the song and then 
press [REC].
[REC] will turn red and start to flash, indicating that the 
BR-1600CD is now ready for recording.
Press [PLAY].
Both [PLAY] and [REC] will light up and recording will 
start. The solo part will be played and the backing 
chorus will be applied. At the same time, the backing 
chorus will be recorded on the selected track.
Press [STOP] on the point where you want to stop 
The playback on the BR-1600CD will stop.
Press [ZERO] to jump to the start of the song once again 
and then start playback of the recorded track.
Move the fader for the track containing the original vocal 
part all the way down, and raise the fader for the track 
containing the backing chorus to an appropriate point. 
You will now be able to hear just the backing chorus. 
If you do not like the way the backing chorus was 
applied, use Undo (Basic Operation; p. 42) to cancel the 
If you wish to store the backing chorus, save the 
current song (p. 72).
Algorithm name 119 ページ 2007年12月6日 木曜日 午前9時52分