Boss Audio Systems BR-1600CD 用户手册

页码 312
Fixing the pitch of vocals/Adding a backing chorus to vocals (Vocal Tool Box)
Section 2
HI.MALE (High Male)
Select this setting for a high-pitched, male voice.
LO.FEML (Low Female)
Select this setting for a low-pitched, female voice.
HI.FEML (High Femail)
Select this setting for a high-pitched, female voice.
If the BR-1600CD is frequently incorrect when detecting the pitch, 
either change the type setting. In certain cases, this will reduce the 
number of incorrect detections.
This sets the balance of volumes between the original vocal part 
and the backing chorus. A setting of 0:100 results in only the 
backing chorus being heard. Similarly, a setting of 100:0 results 
in only the original vocal being heard. 
Chorus Send
This adjusts the amount of the backing chorus that is sent to 
chorus, delay, or doubling. Higher values result in a larger 
amount of the backing chorus being sent to the selected effect. 
Alternatively, a value of 0 should be used when no chorus, 
delay, or doubling is to be applied to the backing chorus.
Reverb Send
This adjusts the amount of the backing chorus that is sent to 
reverb. Higher values cause reverb to be applied to a greater 
degree. Alternatively, a value of 0 should be used when no 
reverb is to be applied to the backing chorus.
Press [EXIT/NO] to return to the Pitch Correction or 
Harmony Sequence patch selection screen. 
In order to indicate that the effect settings have been temporarily 
changed, the bank number will be displayed as “*TMP.”
If you select a different patch, load a different song, or 
turn off the BR-1600CD while “*TMP” is being 
displayed, all of the patch settings will return to their 
original condition. As it may not be possible to restore 
these settings, due caution should be observed.
To save your modified settings, carry out the procedure 
described below in “Saving Vocal Tool Box settings 
(Patch Write).”
Saving Vocal Tool Box 
settings (Patch Write) 
Modified Vocal Tool Box settings are saved by writing them 
together under a new patch name.
Press [F1] (NAME) on the Pitch Correction or Harmony 
Sequence screen.
The patch name setting screen will appear.
Move the cursor to the characters in the patch name you want to 
change and select new characters using the TIME/VALUE dial. 
Press [EXIT/NO] to return to the Pitch Correction or 
Harmony Sequence edit screen. 
Press [F4] (WRITE/COPY).
The Vocal Tool Box Write/Copy screen will appear.
Move the cursor to the “TO:” field and select a 
destination patch using the TIME/VALUE dial. 
This field should be left unchanged at “*TMP(CURRENT).” 
If a different message is displayed, however, move the 
cursor to this field and turn the TIME/VALUE dial 
counterclockwise to restore “*TMP(CURRENT).”
This field sets the patch to which your new settings are to be written.
Press [F4] (GO).
The Vocal Tool Box patch will be written. When this 
process has been completed, the Vocal Tool Box patch 
screen will be displayed once again. 
Press [EXIT/NO] several times to return to the top screen. 121 ページ 2007年12月6日 木曜日 午前9時52分