Leica GPS1200 用户手册

页码 146
Reference Station
Behaviour when 
turning off and on
Turning the GRX1200 Series off and on again resets the receiver. The conse-
quences are:
If the configuration of the output is stored in the configuration set, standard 
NMEA messages are still output.
All data/message outputs scheduled via OWI or LB 2 commands are no longer 
Data logging parameters and interface configuration options, that have been set 
by OWI or LB 2 commands and have not been saved to a configuration set using 
the corresponding OWI or LB 2 command, are reset.
Behaviour after 
power failure
After temporary power failure, the GRX1200 Series will automatically power itself up 
and resume the previously set operations. Two power fail recovery options are avail-
able - Sudden Loss Only and Always. To access the configuration select Main 
Menu: Config...\General Settings...\Start Up & Power Down