用户手册目录Master Table of Contents8Safety2Section A1.1 - Installation9Section B1.1 - Operation15Section C1.1 - Accessories19Section D1.1 - Maintenance23Section A2.1 - Installation31Section B2.1 - Operation37Section C2.1 - Accessories41Section D2.1 - Maintenance45Section A3.1 - Installation53Section B3.1 - Operation59Section C3.1 - Accessories63Section D3.1 - Maintenance67Section A4.1 - Installation73Section B4.1 - Operation79Section C4.1 - Accessories83Section D4.1 Maintenance87Section A5.1 - Installation93Section B5.1 - Operation99Section C5.1 - Accessories103Section D5.1 - Maintenance105Section E -Theory of Operation111Section F - Troubleshooting and Repair123Symptoms126Both the weld and auxiliary output voltages are low.126There is no, or very low weld output, and no auxiliary output.126There is no, or very low weld output voltage. The auxiliary output is normal.127There is no auxiliary voltage, weld output is normal.127The output takes a long time to build up and the AC auxiliary voltage varies when the fine current control is adjusted.128The weld output is considerably less than indicated on the dials or varies abnormally. Auxiliary output appears normal.129The weld output is considerably less than indicated on the dials or varies abnormally. Auxiliary output appears normal.130The weld output is considerably higher than indicated on the dials. Auxiliary voltage appears normal.130The welding arc is loud and spatters excessively.131The welding arc frequently “popsout”. Welding heat seem snormal and auxiliary output voltage appears normal.132The engine will not crank when the start button is pressed.(Classic® 300G and 300D Perkins)133The engine will not crank when the start button is pressed. (Classic® 300D Kubota)134The engine will not crank when the start button is pressed. (Classic® 300D Kubota)135The engine cranks when the start button is pressed, but will not start.(Classic® 300G and Classic®300D Perkins)135The engine cranks when the start button is pressed, but will not start.(Classic® 300D Kubota)136The engine starts normally, but shuts down after running for several seconds.137The engine will not develop full power.137The engine will not shut down when the run/stop switch is moved to the stop position.138The battery does not stay charged.138The machine will not idle down to low RPM when weld and auxiliary loads are removed. The machine has normal weld and auxiliary output. The engine starts and shuts down normally.139The machine will not idle down to low RPM when weld and auxiliary loads are removed. The machine has normal weld and auxiliary output. The engine starts and shuts down normally.140The engine goes to low idle, but will not stay at low idle. The machine has normal weld and auxiliary output. The engine starts and shuts down normally.141The engine goes to low idle, but will not stay at low idle. The machine has normal weld and auxiliary output. The engine starts and shuts down normally.142The engine will not go to high idle when the idle switch is moved to the “High” position. The idle system functions normally while welding or using auxiliary power. The engine starts and shuts down normally.142The engine will not go to high idle when striking an arc or when using auxiliary power. The engine goes to high idle, and the weld and auxiliary power are normal when the idle switch is in the “High Idle” position. The engine starts, runs, and shuts down normally.142The engine will not go to high idle when striking an arc. The automatic idle system functions normally when using auxiliary power. Weld and auxiliary power are normal when the idle switch is in the “High Idle” position. The engine starts ,runs, and shuts down normally.143The engine will not go to high idle when using auxiliary power. The automatic idle system functions normally when welding. Weld and auxiliary power is normal when the idle switch is in the “High Idle” position. The engine starts, runs, and shuts down normally.144Section G - Electrical Diagrams207文件大小: 6.0 MB页数: 232Language: English打开用户手册