avolites pearl expert titan 用户手册

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Copyright Avolites Limited 2010
Page 50 – 3. Controlling dimmers and fixtures
PearlExpertTitan_Man_v3.doc  29/03/2010 13:28:00 
The window can be set to different modes using the context buttons 
to the left of the menu. The modes are: 
Playbacks: shows which playback is controlling each attribute of 
each fixture 
Levels: shows the output levels of each attribute. These may be 
shown numerically or as range names. 
Palettes: shows which palettes are allocated to fixture attributes 
Shapes: shows which shapes are running on fixtures 
Output/Programmer: switches between the attributes on the 
console output, and the attributes currently in the programmer  
Highlight off/changes: if set to [Highlight changes] then 
changing attributes will be highlighted. 
Narrow/Wide columns: changes the column width on the 
You can select fixtures by touching the fixture names on the left of 
the screen, or if you select any fixture values, the appropriate fixture 
will automatically be selected. 
You can clear attributes in the channel grid by selecting them (touch 
or touch and drag to select multiple attributes). Then press Clear. 
You can edit values by selecting one or more values in the grid, then 
modify the values using the wheels, or type a new value on the 
numeric keypad and press Enter. 
Advanced options 
The ML menu button 
When the Pearl is at the top menu, the ML Menu button opens the 
Moving Light menu which contains options to Locate Fixture (same as 
the Locate button) and to run Macros on fixtures such as Lamp On, 
Lamp Off, Reset etc. The Align Fixtures and Flip functions as 
described above are also in this menu. 
If another menu is loaded, the ML Menu button latches the current 
menu. Press Exit to get back to the top menu so that you can access 
the Moving Light menu.