games-pc empire earth Benutzerhandbuch

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Empire Earth
Italy: 19th Century – 
The separate kingdoms on the Italian peninsula and islands began to move toward unification
in the 19th Century.  Disputes with Austria and France over land were eventually resolved –
sometimes through war.  In 1870, final unification was achieved when Rome was established
as the capital of Italy.
When WWI broke out in 1914, Italy negotiated with both sides and ended up joining the Allies
in the hopes of gaining more territory.  Italian forces soon found themselves in a difficult
defensive struggle for control of their Alpine border with Austria.  In the end, the Allies were
victorious, but the victory was costly for Italy.  While she gained territory, she had lost
600,000 men and found herself in both political and economic crisis.
It was against this troubled backdrop that Benito Mussolini rose to power.  By forging key
political alliances, Mussolini’s National Fascist Party came to dominate the Italian govern-
ment.  After an opposition leader was found murdered in 1924, Mussolini began transforming
Italy into a fascist state in order to stay in power.  Constitutional checks were abolished and
the press came increasingly under governmental control.  Mussolini also looked to increase
Italy’s holdings in Africa, taking Ethiopia in 1936.
Ties with Hitler’s Germany developed in the 1930s, frightening many Italians.  But the
Fascists were firmly in control and political opposition easily suppressed.  The infamous
Rome-Berlin Axis was founded in 1938.  Despite the alliance, Mussolini did not enter WWII
until June 1940, once again hoping for territorial gains.  But the Italian people were not
behind their fascist leader.  When Allied forces invaded Italy in 1943, Mussolini was deposed
and the former King restored.  A few months later, Italy declared war on Germany.
Resource Gathering
20% Farming
20% Stone Mining
Buildings, Walls, & Towers
20% Attack
20% Range
30% Build Time Decrease
50% Conversion Resistance
Infantry - Ranged 
20% Cost Reduction 
30% Build Time Decrease
Siege Weapons
25% Attack
30% Hit Points 
25% Rate of Fire
Field Cannon & AT Guns
20% Range
20% Range
20% Speed
30% Build Time Decrease