games-pc empire earth Benutzerhandbuch

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Russia: 20th – 21st Centuries
Russia dropped out of WWI following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.  After a few tumul-
tuous years, the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics was formed.  Russia was the mightiest
state in the new union and its capital, Moscow, became the USSR’s capital.
The Soviets under Joseph Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Germany on the eve of
World War II, but the treaty didn’t last: Hitler ordered the invasion of Russia and the Soviet
Union in 1941.  After some of the fiercest fighting of the entire war, the Red Army pushed the
invaders all the way back into Germany and took Berlin in 1945.  After the war, the Soviets
were given control of East Germany and East Berlin.
Russia had sustained about 9 million casualties in WWI and the USSR some 20 million, if not
more, in WWII.  Determined not to be invaded again, the Soviet Union began systematically
taking control of Eastern Europe to act as a buffer around her European borders.  Puppet
governments were installed and the so-called Iron Curtain fell between East and West.  The
Red Army, with her modernised tanks and numerous troops, arguably became the most power-
ful land force in the world.  
In 1949, the USSR shocked many in the West by successfully testing their own nuclear
weapon, breaking the monopoly owned by the United States.  The Cold War between East and
West deepened, and did not let up for 40 years.  The Soviets went on to launch the first earth-
orbiting satellite, Sputnik, in 1957, and the first man in space, Yury Gagarin, in 1961.
Resource Gathering
20% Fishing
20% Wood Chopping
Citizens & Fishing Boats
10% Build Time Decrease
Buildings, Walls, & Towers
20% Attack
15% Pop Cap
Infantry - Ranged
25% Hit Points 
30% Build Time Decrease
Siege Weapons
20% Range
20% Area Damage
20% Range
10% Armour
Frigates & Cruisers
20% Cost Reduction