Arizona MAX-5000XL Benutzerhandbuch

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Editing Test Parameters 
The memory start parameters may be 
edited by highlighting a memory start 
and pressing the [ENT] key.  From the 
eight (8) primary selections, there are 
many other selections available to 
allow changing the data stored and 
altering the test characteristics. 
  The keys at the bottom of the 
display aid the editing process. 
   [DEL] 
– deletes the character 
to the left of the cursor 
  [CLEAR] 
– erases all characters 
in the edit field 
  [DEL] - deletes the character 
to the right of the cursor 
  [+/-] (Displayed only when 
– changes the 
polarity (pos/neg) of the number 
  If a number key is pressed without 
moving the cursor, the current 
content will be erased and the new 
key press entered.  Press [ENT] to 
save the changes or [ESC] to abort 
the change and restore the original 
Sample Name 
This menu allows an alphanumeric identification for the test to be established.  If the 
name is not blank when selected, the entry may be deleted and new alphanumeric 
characters entered.  Note that the editing box will hold more characters than can be 
displayed on the Main Test Screen.  In addition, the box will hold more narrow letters 
like “I” than wide letters like “M.”  Edit the value to any desired name or number to 
identify the product under test.