BenutzerhandbuchInhaltsverzeichnisCopyright2Federal Communications Commission(FCC) Interference Statement2Limited Warranty3Customer Support4Introduction6PART I. GETTING STARTED7Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your Horizons USB Wireless LAN Adapter81.1 Introduction81.2 Features of the Horizons USB Wireless LAN Adapter81.3 Applications8Chapter 2 Software Installation10Installing the Horizons USB Software102.2 Important Windows XP Information13Chapter 3 Horizons Wireless USB LAN Adapter Hardware Installation15System Requirements15Installing the Horizons HZ1500USB LAN Adapter15PART II. ADVANCED MANAGEMENT17Chapter 4 D2D/Horizons Management Utility18Configuration18Using the D2D/Horizons Management Utility19Available Connections Section20Current Connection Selection214.5 Access Tray Section214.6 AD-HOC and AP Modes22SSID23WEP Encryption23PART III. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION24Chapter 5 - Troubleshooting25Appendix A - Network Configuration28Appendix B - Hardware Specification31Appendix C - Uninstalling the D2D Horizons Software32Index35Glossary37Größe: 925 KBSeiten: 37Language: EnglishHandbuch öffnen