Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8.0 Quick Setup Guide

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Administration Center Page References for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace
Media Parameters Page
Enable comfort noise in NLP
To help make the overall background noise level continuous, the NLP generates 
comfort noise. 
Set this field to No if you prefer silence instead of comfort noise whenever NLP is 
actively removing residual echo. Note, however, that disabling comfort noise may 
result in undesirable variations of background noise levels between silence and noise.
Default: Yes
Enable LEC w. G.729?
Whether to enable LEC when G.729 is in use.
You must set this field to No if you select the higher capacity option in the 
audio mode
 field on the 
. Otherwise, the G.729 codec 
will be disabled.
Changes to this field take effect only after restarting the system.
Default: Yes
Minimum echo return loss (ERL) 
A lower ERL setting may help the LEC cancel loud echoes, but it increases the risk of 
distortion caused by clipping or squelching of the signal. 
Default: 6 
Bulk delay (milliseconds)
This value is added to the 
, so that the cancelled echo return 
delays will range from 
. This allows the LEC to work on echoes that are outside 
the normal range in exchange for not canceling short-return-delay echoes.
Default: 0 
Gain Control
Enable automatic gain control 
AGC causes Cisco Unified MeetingPlace to dynamically adjust the input gain so the 
average energy matches a specific level. This is useful when various phones, or people 
in a conference room, produce different volume levels. Nevertheless, AGC can be 
problematic in cases where noise may be mistaken for voice. 
When AGC is disabled, the specified 
 is applied to all inputs. 
Default: No
AGC  target  level  (dBm)
The target energy level for the AGC algorithm is applied to all inputs. Make this number 
less negative to increase the average volume level. The default value of -18 is a typical 
level for telephony circuits.
Restriction: This field applies only when th
is set to Yes.
Default: -18 
Fixed gain (dB)
The fixed input gain is applied to all inputs. Use positive numbers to increase the 
volume, and use negative numbers to decrease the volume. The default value of 0 leaves 
the input level alone.
Restriction: This field applies only when th
is set to No.
Default: 0
Table 36
Field Reference: Media Parameters Page (continued)