Cisco Cisco Unified IP Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 8.0(1) Leaflet

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Chapter 2      CRS Editor Palette Step Descriptions
Prompt Steps
Cisco CRS Scripting and Development Series: Volume 2, Editor Step Reference Guide, Release 6.0(1)
Minutes—Number object that specifies the minutes to be played.
The Ordinal generator type supports the following constructors:
(Number number)
(String number)
(Number number, Number gender)
(String number, Number gender)
The two parameters are:
Number—Any Number or String object defining the ordinal number to be 
played back. The supported range is from 1 to 999999.
Gender—When the ordinal number must be played back in a specific gender 
context, this parameter specifies this context. Valid values are 0 for neutral, 
1 for male, and 2 for female.
If the language associated with the call does not behave differently 
based on gender, then this parameter is ignored.
The Currency generator type supports the following constructors:
(Currency designator)
(Number amount)
(Number amount, Currency currency)
(Number dollar, Number cent)
(Number dollar, Number cent, Currency currency)
(Number amount, Boolean colloquial)
(Number amount, Boolean colloquial, Currency currency)
(Number dollar, Number cent, Boolean colloquial, Currency currency)
The six parameters are: