Cisco Cisco Aironet 350 Wireless LAN Client Adapter Release Notes

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Release Notes for Cisco Aironet Site Survey Utility 1.2
  Using Thresholds
Step 3
If you want to specify the length of time that the above conditions must exist before triggering audible 
alerts, log file entries, or both, check the Hysteresis check box and choose a value in seconds.
Range: 1 to 10 seconds
Default: Checked; 3 seconds
The Hysteresis setting does not apply to the connectivity test. Connectivity is achieved if just 
one ping response is returned.
Step 4
The Filename field specifies the name and location of the threshold log file. If you want to change the 
name of the log file, enter a new name in the Filename field. If you want to change the location of the 
log file, click Browse, navigate to the desired location, and click OK.
Default Name: SST_ThreshLog.txt
Default Location: The directory where the site survey utility is installed
Step 5
The Viewer field specifies the name and location of the program that is used to view the threshold log 
file. (To view the log file, choose View Threshold Log from the Thresholds drop-down menu.) If you 
want a different program to be used, click Browse, navigate to the location of the desired program, and 
click OK.
Default Program:
Step 6
Click OK to save your changes.
Step 7
Follow the instructions in the 
 section below to enable the threshold 
Enabling Threshold Triggers
In the previous section, you specified the conditions under which threshold triggers are generated, 
provided those triggers are enabled.
To enable audible alerts when a threshold condition occurs, choose Enable Threshold Alerts from the 
Thresholds drop-down menu or press F7. When threshold alerts are enabled, a check mark appears next 
to the Enable Threshold Alerts menu option, and ALR appears in the site survey utility’s status bar.
To enable the logging of text messages to the threshold log file when a threshold condition occurs, 
choose Enable Threshold Logging from the Thresholds drop-down menu or press F8. When threshold 
logging is enabled, a check mark appears next to the Enable Threshold Logging menu option, and LOG 
appears in the site survey utility’s status bar.
You can enable one or both triggers.
To disable the threshold triggers, choose the Enable Threshold Alerts and Enable Threshold Logging 
menu options again so that the check mark disappears or re-press F7 and F8.