Cisco Cisco Prime Central 1.0 Installation Guide

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Installing Prime Central in a Single-Server Setup
Installing the Prime Central database, portal, and integration layer on the same server is a two-part process:
Prepare the server for installation.
Install Prime Central.
During the installation, the variables that you define must adhere to the constraints described in 
Preparing the Server for Installation
Before you install Prime Central, you must first connect to the server and, if using X server, verify the display settings.
To prepare the server for Prime Central installation:
Step 1
Use one of the following to connect to the server where you want to install Prime Central:
VNC (recommended)—See 
X server—For this option, Reflection X is recommended. See 
Step 2
As the root user, launch a terminal on the server where you want to install Prime Central. (If you logged in as a nonroot 
user, enter the su - command to become the root user.)
The C shell (csh) is recommended. To start the C shell, enter: 
If you are using X server, continue to 
If you are using VNC, you are finished; continue to 
Step 3
Set the DISPLAY variable:
setenv DISPLAY
Step 4
Verify that the display is set correctly:
In the command output, you should see:
Step 5
Continue to 
Installing Prime Central on the Server
To install Prime Central:
Step 1
Insert the Cisco Prime Central 1.0 installation DVD into the DVD drive and navigate to the local folder where the disk 
drive is mounted.
Step 2
Change file permissions and ownership:
chmod 777 *
Step 3
Run the installer:
Step 4
In the Welcome window, click Next.