Regency P33-LP3 Manual De Usuario

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Regency P33-3 Zero Clearance Direct Vent Gas Fireplace
1)  Always turn off the gas valve before cleaning. 
For relighting, refer to lighting instructions. 
Keep the burner and control compartment 
clean by brushing and vacuuming at least 
once a year. When cleaning the logs, use a 
soft clean paint brush as the logs are fragile 
and easily damaged.
2)  Clean appliance and door with a damp 
cloth (never when unit is hot).  Never use 
an abrasive cleaner. The glass should be 
cleaned with a gas fi replace glass cleaner. 
The glass should be cleaned when it 
starts looking cloudy.
3)  The heater is fi nished in a heat resistant 
paint and should only be refi nished with heat 
resistant paint. Regency uses StoveBright 
Paint - Metallic Black #6309.
4)  Make a  periodic check of burner for proper 
position and condition. Visually check the 
fl ame of the burner periodically, making sure 
the fl ames are steady; not lifting or fl oating. 
If there is a problem, call a qualifi ed service 
5)  The appliance and venting system must be 
inspected before use, and at least annually, 
by a qualifi ed fi eld service person, to ensure 
that the fl ow of combustion and ventilation 
air is not obstructed.
Never operate the appliance without 
the glass properly secured in place.
6)  Do not use this appliance if any part has been 
under water. Immediately call a qualifi ed 
service technician to inspect the appliance 
and to replace nay part of the control system 
and any gas control which has been under 
7)  Verify operation after servicing.
General Vent Maintenance
Conduct an inspection of the venting system 
semi-annually. Recommended areas to inspect 
as follows:
1)  Check the Venting System for corrosion in 
areas that are exposed to the elements. 
These will appear as rust spots or streaks, 
and in extreme cases, holes. These com-
ponents should be replaced immediately.
2)  Remove the Cap, and shine a fl ashlight 
down the Vent. Remove any bird nests, or 
other foreign material.
3)  Check for evidences of excessive condensa-
tion, such as water droplets forming in the 
inner liner, and subsequently dripping out the 
joints, Continuous condensation can cause 
corrosion of caps, pipe, and fi ttings. It may 
be caused by having excessive lateral runs, 
too many elbows, and exterior portions of the 
system being exposed to cold weather.
4)  Inspect joints, to verify that no pipe sections 
or fi ttings have been disturbed, and conse-
quently loosened. Also check mechanical 
supports such as Wall Straps, or plumbers' 
tape for rigidity.
The 24 carat gold-plated or brass fi nish on the 
louvers and trim requires little maintenance, 
and need only be cleaned with a damp cloth. 
DO NOT use abrasive materials or chemical 
cleaners, as they may harm the fi nish and void 
the warranty.  Clean any fi ngerprints off before 
turning the unit on.
The unit should never be used with broken logs. 
Turn off the gas valve and allow the unit to cool 
before opening door and carefully remove the 
logs. (The pilot light generates enough heat to 
burn someone.) If for any reason a log should 
need replacement, you must use the proper 
replacement log. The position of these logs 
must be as shown in the diagrams under Log 
Note: Improper positioning of logs may cre-
ate carbon build-up and will severely 
alter the unit's performance which is 
not covered under warranty.
It is possible that you will hear some sounds 
from your gas appliance. This is perfectly normal 
due to the fact that there are various gauges 
and types of steel used within your appliance. 
Listed below are some examples. All are normal 
operating sounds 
and should not be consid-
ered as defects in your appliance.
Regency gas appliances use high tech blow-
ers to push heated air farther into the room. It 
is not unusual for the fan to make a "whirring" 
sound when ON. This sound will increase or 
decrease in volume depending on the speed 
setting of your fan speed control.
Burner Tray: 
The burner tray is positioned directly under the 
burner tube(s) and logs and is made of a differ-
ent gauge material from the rest of the fi rebox 
and body. Therefore, the varying thicknesses 
of steel will expand and contract at slightly 
different rates which can cause "ticking" and 
"cracking" sounds. You should also be aware 
that as there are temperature changes within 
the unit these sounds will likely re-occur. Again, 
this is normal for steel fi reboxes.
Blower Thermodisc: 
When this thermally activated switch turns ON 
it will create a small "clicking" sound. This is the 
switch contacts closing and is normal.
Pilot Flame: 
While the pilot fl ame is on it can make a very 
slight "whisper" sound.
Gas Control Valve: 
As the gas control valve turns ON and OFF, a 
dull clicking sound may be audible, this is normal 
operation of a gas regulator or valve.
Unit Body/Firebox: 
Different types and thicknesses of steel will 
expand and contract at different rates resulting 
in some "cracking" and "ticking" sounds will be 
heard throughout the cycling process.