games-pc serf city Manual De Usuario

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You sometimes have problems when
unemployed serfs are in the ware-
house and the weapons and tools are
stored elsewhere. In this case, your
serfs automatically go to a warehouse
where tools are stocked and wait there
for work. You have similar problems
with the tools when the pliers are in
one warehouse and the hammers in
another. No blacksmith can set up
shop, as he needs both tools. This
holds true for the tool maker (saw and
hammer) and for the knights (sword
and shield). In this situation, the tools
and weapons are automatically taken
to the other warehouse.
Statistics On 
Buildings and Flags
The statistics give you an overview of
your total development. You might, for
example, want to know specific things
about the state of the supplies in a par-
ticular building. The statistics give you
the available information for the build-
ings. This information is always
activated with a special-click.
If you special-click on a construction
site, you see the building that you are in
the process of constructing. 
If you special-click on one of your
mines, you immediately see the mine’s
yield. The calculation is made as a 
function of the number of trips the
miner makes into the mine (with mer-
chandise). Remember that it requires
several trips into the mines before you
can use this information. It is useful in
determining the future demolition of
these mines, because if a mine no
longer has a yield, the miner still eats
food (which can become scarce,
depending on the progression of the
game). You also see the food stock that
a mine has at its disposal. The miner
accepts fish as well as bread or meat;
the meat icon indicates this quantity. If
there is no food, the hungry miner goes
on strike.
If you special-click on a castle, garri-
son, guard tower, or guard hut, you can
see the position of your knights. Most
importantly, you see the strength of the
building to be defended. As with the
mines, you also see the state of the
supplies, but this time it concerns the
gold. The guard huts receive a maxi-
mum of two units of gold, the guard
towers receive a maximum of four
units, and the garrisons receive a maxi-
mum of eight units.
The Economy
The Warehouses
You already know how to build a
warehouse. If you special-click on 
a warehouse (if there are none, use 
a castle), a window appears indicating
the state of the stock in this ware-
house. By changing the page with the
arrow, you see the serfs that are in this
warehouse. The third page contains
two icons having different symbols.
The upper icon concerns the mer-
chandise, the lower icon concerns the
serfs located in this warehouse.
There are three different settings for
the merchandise in the warehouse. 
A checkmark confirms the current 
setting. If the checkmark is at the top,
merchandise is brought to this ware-
house. When the checkmark is in the
middle, no more new merchandise
will be stored in the warehouse. When
the checkmark is at the bottom, the
warehouse is emptied of its merchan-
dise and nothing else can be stored
there. For the serfs waiting for work in
the warehouse, the settings are practi-
cally the same: when the checkmark is
at the top, they must go to the ware-
house after work. If it is in the middle,
no new serfs are accepted. If it is at the
bottom, all the serfs must
leave the warehouse. You
must special-click to activate
the two latter options. 
What are these options for? If the enemy
approaches your warehouse and you can
no longer defend your position, he could
wipe out your warehouse and you would
lose all your merchandise. Only certain
serfs are able to escape. You have to be
able to retreat and fight if you want to
minimize your losses. Remember that
you need time to empty a warehouse or
evacuate the serfs. If you fight back too
late when retreating, you can save only a
few serfs. The warehouses are, moreover,
crucial for your economy. If a warehouse
no longer accepts merchandise or serfs,
the others are stocked instead.
The evacuation of the merchandise and
serfs has a negative effect. Think before
deciding if it is better to retreat than to
fight. Do not build your warehouses
too close to the enemy, or if you do,
protect them with garrisons. If a ware-
house appears to be in danger, stop the
reception of merchandise before the
enemy crushes the building and all the
goods inside.
The Economy