Digital Security Controls Ltd. 15SCW9067 Manual De Usuario

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LEGAL  (Cont.)
Main AC-DC Supply Converter
Input 100-240V (AC-DC converter)
max. input current
0.68A Max
output 12V,  2A
Panel Battery
Battery Type
Lithium Ion Polymer battery
Lifetime Power Cycles
300+ Power Cycles ( fully charged to fully discharged state )
DC  voltage
8.4V max
battery model number
Springpower 704077
max. charging current
trickle charge current
50mA max
 battery capacity in ampere-hours
Warning:  Battery Capacity Detection:  The battery will be automatically monitored for low battery capacity.  Warning messages will be sent to the Product and 
to the Backend informing the customer of the low battery condition (this occurs whenever the current battery capacity falls below 30% of the fully 
charged capacity).  The Product will also provide optional trouble beep warnings for the low battery conditions.  The Product warning messages can be viewed on 
the Security Status / Alerts Tab.  
Warning:  Battery Unplugged Detection:  The battery will be automatically monitored to detect occurrences of the battery being unplugged.  Warning messages 
will be sent to the Product and to the ADC Backend informing the customer of the unplugged battery.   The Product will also provide optional trouble beep 
warnings for the unplugged battery condition.  The Product warning messages can be viewed on the Security Status / Alerts Tab.  
Warning:  Battery Life:  Greater than 5 years with use of the Product according to specifications.  Change the battery after 5 years of service.  .  
Warning:  Battery Handling:  To maximize the life of the battery and for safety reasons the following precautions should be taken:
The aluminum  foil encasing the battery is delicate and should not be exposed to sharp objects such as knives, pins or sharp finger nails
The battery should not be exposed to water
Do not leave near a heat source. This will reduce the working life of the battery
Do not short circuit the battery by connecting the positive terminal to the negative terminal.  High currents can be generated resulting in high 
temperatures and risking fire and personal injury
The following warnings cover the likely potential situations that may cause False Alarms Reports (FAR) to be generated.  
Cause of FAR:  User fails to enter proper pass code or enters the wrong pass code while trying to disarm system.  
Prevention:  Carefully enter your passcode.  Remember your passcode and/or write it down in a safe place that is easily accessible.  
Cause of FAR:  User fails to exit premise before exit delay timer expires while trying to arm system in Away Mode.  
Prevention:  Listen to exit beeps and last 10 second voice countdown … if running out of time, then either press the Extend button to extend the exit delay or 
press cancel … and then start the rearming process again once you are ready to leave the premises.
Cause of FAR:  User opens a door, but fails to close the door before the exit delay timer expires while trying to arm system in Away Mode, thus causing an exit 
fault and alarm condition.  
Prevention:  Be careful to close the door tightly upon exit during the arming process.  If an exit fault / alarm does occur, then quickly reenter the home and 
disarm the alarm.  
Cause of FAR:  Erroneous fire detection alarm from sensor.    
Prevention:  During installation, system can be set to require two fire sensor detections prior to generating central monitoring station fire alarm … note a local fire 
alarm will still sound to alert the homeowner.  
Cause of FAR:  Erroneous Carbon Monoxide detection alarm from sensor.    
Prevention:  During installation, system can be set to require two Carbon Monoxide sensor detections prior to generating central monitoring station gas leak 
alarm … note a local fire alarm will still sound to alert the homeowner. 
© Last updated 2/18/15 All rights reserved