Mitsubishi ws-48513 Manuel Du Propriétaire

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NetCommand Remote Control Buttons:  Device Menu, Guide
Device Menu  
Pressing DEVICE MENU displays the Transport playback 
devices.  A second press of this button will display the 
menus for NetCommand compatible devices.  Menu 
access varies by device.
While watching a NetCommand compatible traditional IR 
controlled or an IEEE 1394 device, press DEVICE MENU 
once or twice to display the menu for that device.  
For models WS-55813, WS-65713, WS-65813 and WS-
73813 when the Device Selection menu is displayed, 
and a HAVi IEEE 1394 device is highlighted, pressing 
the DEVICE MENU button will automatically display the 
menu for that device over the current source.  The HAVi 
IEEE 1394 device does not need to be the current source.  
Some devices do not display menus. Check the Owner’s 
Guide of the IEEE 1394 device if you are unable to see a 
When the menu for the device has been displayed, to 
navigate, press ADJUST  ,  ,   or   and ENT(er).  For 
some NetCommand traditional devices you will also be 
able to use the number buttons and other additional 
buttons on the TV remote.
For traditional DVD players, the Device Menu is also 
known as the setup menu.
For Memory cards with JPEG, MP3 or WMA7 files, 
pressing DEVICE MENU displays the MEDIA SETUP menu 
or redisplays the dialog box if the screen is blank.
GUIDE displays the on-screen programming guides.
 • For NetCommand compatible satellite receivers and some 
cable boxes, GUIDE will display the on-screen programming 
guide for the receiver or cable box. Press ADJUST  ,  , 
 or   and ENT(er) to navigate the displayed Guide.  For 
NetCommand compatible satellite receivers, you may also be 
able to use the number or other additional buttons.
 • For NetCommand compatible DVD players, GUIDE will 
display the DVD disc menu (not the setup menu).
 • For Antenna DTV and IEEE 1394 devices, pressing GUIDE will 
display the Digital Channel Guide showing the sub-channels, 
or bitstreams for the current channel or device.  For Antenna 
DTV only the sub-channels for the current channel are seen 
first.  Press ADJUST   or    to see all the channels in 
•  For IEEE 1394 devices with digital connections, the first press 
of GUIDE will display the TV’s digital channel guide.  The 
second press will display the program guide for the tuned 
device, such as a cable box or DBS. 
 • For compatible traditional VCRs, pressing GUIDE when the 
VCR is highlighted on the Device Selection menu, will change 
the VCR’s input.
 • For A/V Discs, pressing GUIDE will display the Track List 
 • While the Device Selection menu is displayed with the control 
in the Audio Section and the A/V Receiver icon is highlighted 
then a press of GUIDE switches the A/V Receiver from 
analog audio to digital audio, and vice versa.
•  For Memory cards, GUIDE displays the Thumbnail or Playlist 