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ICM WebView Online Help 
Working with Reports
Set thresholds
Set thresholds
Once you create a report, you may be able to set threshold values on one or more 
data attributes in the report. Thresholds enable you to see when certain values 
exceed or do not meet expected levels by assigning a color to the display. You can 
set report thresholds of newly created and saved reports. 
This section contains:
Setting report thresholds
To set report thresholds
Step 1
On the open report window, click the Set Thresholds menu option.  The Set 
Thresholds page opens.
Step 2
For each attribute, select the desired relation (>=, =, or <=). 
Step 3
For each attribute, type the desired threshold value in the yellow and/or red 
• Yes and No thresholds are indicated by the numbers 1 and 0 respectively. 
• Percentage thresholds must be entered as values from 0 to 1 where 1 = 100%. 
For example: .60 = 60%. 
Step 4
Click the Save changes and return to report link to view the modified report. 
Step 5
Save the report definition to save your changes.
Understanding thresholds
Thresholds highlight values in reports that exceed or fall below expected levels. 
The thresholds can be set for two severity levels which are represented by the 
colors yellow and red.  Typically, you use the yellow threshold to indicate a 
near-critical situation and the red threshold to indicate a critical situation.
You choose whether you want the colors to appear when the value is greater than 
or equal to (>=) the threshold value, equal to (=) the threshold value, or less than 
or equal to (<=) the threshold value. 
Depending on the value that you set for the Relation column, any values for the 
yellow threshold attribute that are greater than or equal to (>=) , equal to (=), or 
less than or equal to (<=) the given value are highlighted in yellow.
Depending on the value that you set for the Relation column, any values for the red 
threshold attribute that are greater than or equal to (>=) , equal to (=), or less 
than or equal to (<=) the given value are highlighted in red.