games-pc dark sun-shattered lands 사용자 설명서

페이지 49
Half-giants stand between 10 and 12
feet tall, and weigh in the neigh-
borhood of 1,600 pounds. Their
features are human, but exaggerated.
Half-giants can be fighters, gladia-
tors, rangers, clerics, psionicists, and
multi-class characters.
Halflings are very short humanoids,
standing no more than 3 1/2 feet 
tall. They are muscled and propor-
tioned like humans, but they have
the faces of wise and beautiful
children. Halflings weigh 50 to 60
pounds and are always in peak
physical condition.
Halflings can be fighters, gladiators,
rangers, clerics, druids, thieves,
psionicists, and multi-class
Humans are the predominant race
on Athas. The average human male
stands between 6 and 6 1/2 feet tall
and weighs 180 to 200 pounds. The
average human female is slightly
smaller, averaging between 5 1/2 and
6 feet in height and weighing
between 100 and 140 pounds.
Humans can be fighters, gladiators,
rangers, preservers, clerics, druids,
thieves, psionicists, and dual-class
Muls are an incredibly tough cross-
breed of humans and dwarves. They
retain the height and cunning of their
human parent, with the durability and
raw strength of their dwarven parent.
Muls are usually the products of the
slave pits. They are always male.
Full-grown muls stand 6 to 6 1/2 feet
tall and weigh 240 to 300 pounds.
They have stern facial features, and
most muls have no hair or beard.
Muls can be fighters, gladiators,
clerics, thieves, psionicists, and
multi-class characters.
Thri-kreen are the least “human” in
appearance of all the races. Thri-kreen
are insectoids — six-limbed creatures
with tough, sandy-yellow exoskeletons.
They stand as tall as 7 feet at the
shoulder, have two large eyes, two
antennae, and a small powerful jaw.
They are always female.
Thri-kreen make and use the
chatkcha, a crystalline throwing
wedge. The chatkcha can be thrown
up to 90 yards and still return to 
the thrower if it misses the target.
When it hits, the chatkcha inflicts 3
to 9 points of damage.
Thri-kreen cannot use armor, cloaks,
belts, boots, or rings due to their
non-human shape.
Thri-kreen can be fighters, gladiators,
rangers, clerics, psionicists, and
multi-class characters.
Your characters can be any of eight
races: dwarf, elf, half-elf, half-giant,
halfling, human, mul, and thri-kreen.
Each race has its own unique
features and abilities. Some races 
are naturally stronger or weaker, 
or more or less agile than others.
These differences are reflected in
modifications to their generated
ability scores. See the “Racial Ability
Adjustments Table” on page 89 for
specific adjustments.
Dwarves are short but extremely
powerful. Athasian dwarves average
4 1/2 to 5 feet in height and tend to
have a very large muscle mass — a
full-grown dwarf weighs in the neigh-
borhood of 200 pounds. Dwarves
can live up to 250 years.
By nature, dwarves are nonmagical
and never use magical spells. 
This restriction does not apply to
dwarven clerics.
Dwarves can be fighters, gladiators,
clerics, thieves, psionicists, and
multi-class characters.
Elves are a race of long-limbed
sprinters given to theft, raiding, and
warfare. An Athasian elf stands
between 6 1/2 and 7 1/2 feet tall.
They are slender, lean, and generally
in terrific physical condition. An elf 
warrior is conditioned to run quickly
over sandy and rocky terrain, some-
times for days at a time — an elf
warrior can cross better than 50
miles per day.
Elves use no beasts of burden for
personal transportation. It is dishon-
orable among elves to ride on an ani-
mal unless wounded and near death.
Elves can be fighters, gladiators,
rangers, preservers, clerics, thieves,
psionicists, and multi-class characters.
Half-elves are the result of the
intermingling of human and elven
societies in the great cities of Athas.
Half-elves are generally tall, standing
between 6 and 6 1/2 feet.
Due to their mixed heritage, half-
elves are often unaccepted by both
elves and humans. This intolerance
leads them to be self-reliant, and able
to survive without companionship.
Half-elves can be fighters, gladiators,
rangers, preservers, clerics, druids,
thieves, psionicists, and multi-class
Giants dominate many of the islands
and coastal areas of the Sea of Silt.
In some lost millennium, as a bizarre
experiment or perhaps as some sort
of curse, giants were magically
crossbred with humans. Half-giants
are now fairly common.