games-pc heroes of might & magic v Manual Do Utilizador

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Neutral units
The neutral units’ attitude toward your hero will be modulated according
to several factors. 
First of all, their attitude depends on your army’s strength: if your forces
are inferior, you will most likely be attacked. If they are more or less
equal, the neutral units may be willing to join you for pay. If your
strength leaves no considerable chances for them to win, they will try to
flee, or offer to join you for free under special circumstances. 
In the case of a flight attempt, you may pursue and fight the enemies for
extra experience, or let them go to avoid wasting time and troops. In this
case, you will gain less experience. Once they have fled or have been
defeated, the unit will disappear from the map.
You can increase the probability for neutral units to join your army in
several ways:
• The hero’s and the unit’s origins or race are the same.
• The hero already has creatures of the same type in his army.
• The hero has Diplomacy. Diplomacy can also decrease the amount of
money needed to convince them to join the hero’s forces.
• The hero specialises in this type of creature.
If a neutral unit wants to join the hero, but the hero has no free slots for
new units, the Army Selection screen will appear. On this screen,you
can either combine units of the same type or dismiss a unit. If a neutral
unit wants to join up for pay, the requested sum is deducted from the
resources, if the hero takes on at least one creature.
Evaluating the enemy’s strength
The composition of the neutral unit cannot necessarily be seen, but a
unit can often be identified by the figure of the creatures in the unit. The
tip also shows an approximation of the number of creatures in the unit.
Enemy units can guard income sources or forts that may block your way. 
The composition and approximate amount of creatures in stacks can be
seen in the tips under hostile heroes, forts and towns.
Individual items
On the adventure map, you can find heaps of resources as well as
artefacts and chests. 
A chest can be used in two ways: by improving the kingdom’s financial
welfare or gaining extra experience for the hero who found it.
On water, shipwreck, flotsams and floating chests can also contain
resources and money, but they may be empty.
Searching for the Tears of Asha
The Tears of Asha is a major artefact
that is needed to erect a special
building in one of your cities. In most
missions, this is not a requirement, but
it definitely gives you a major
advantage in completing your mission. 
Searching for the Tears of Asha
includes revealing the puzzle map
which can be seen on the Mission
Objectives screen. A fragment of the map is revealed each time you visit
a special obelisk. The fragment showing the exact location of the Tears of
Asha is the last to be revealed. When you know (exactly or approximately)
where the Tears of Asha is hidden, you may try to dig it out using the
Dig button in the Controls Field.
Digging requires a whole day, meaning that the hero cannot do anything
else that day.
Once obtained, the Tears of Asha is to be brought to to a city under the
player’s control . If the hero carrying the Tears of Asha is intercepted and
defeated by the enemy, the Tears of Asha will disappear.
Opposing forces
Your heroes’ main adversaries are the heroes belonging to the enemy. You
may also encounter individual stacks of neutral creatures on the adventure
map (“neutral” means they don’t belong to any of the parties, but their
attitude towards you may not be neutral!) 
Some of the buildings on the map can also be occupied by enemy or
neutral units. When trying to capture such a building, you will have to
fight its guards.
Heroes V Manuel UK.qxd  12/04/06  17:43  Page 14