Release Note для Spectra Logic spectra t120

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Creating a New Data Partition
December 2008
Spectra T950 Library
b. Select Edit from either the Partition Settings screen or the Shared 
Library Services screen (
). The Name and 
Media Type screen displays. 
This screen is the beginning of a series of configuration screens. 
Depending of the type of partition you are modifying, the sequence 
of steps and screens matches those for creating either:
ƒ a new data partition, beginning with 
– or —
ƒ a new cleaning partition, beginning with 
except that you cannot change the media (drive) type specified for 
the partition.
Creating a New Data Partition
If all of the enabled chambers and drives in your library are 
already assigned to an existing partition, you must modify or 
delete one or more partitions to provide chambers and drives for 
the new partition.
You can configure cleaning partitions either before or after you 
configure data partitions (see 
). However, if you know that you want to use 
automatic drive cleaning for one or more data partitions, it is 
easier to configure the cleaning partition before you configure 
the data partitions. 
If you create the cleaning partition after you create the data 
partitions, you will need to modify the data partitions to assign a 
cleaning partition to them.
Figure 41 The Name and Media screen (data 
Figure 42 The Name and Media Type screen 
(cleaning partition).