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VC150 Vital Signs Monitor
Nellcor SpO
Nellcor SpO
 and special features
Clinically Significant Desaturation Patterns
The OxiMax SPD™ Alert (SPD) parameter detects patterns of desaturation in 
adults that are indicative of repetitive reductions in airflow through a patient's 
upper airway into the lungs. Relative reductions in a patient's minute ventilation 
over a period of time may cause a progressive drop in alveolar partial pressure 
of oxygen, leading to arterial desaturation. If these decreases in ventilation are 
repetitive, they generate distinct patterns in the saturation trend. Patterns of 
repetitive desaturation often develop gradually over time, increasing in severity.
Detection of patterns indicates that a patient might be suffering progressively 
severe decrements in airflow that may increase in acuity if left untreated. 
Patterns of desaturation are multiple, sequential occurrences of a desaturation 
followed by a resaturation. The SPD™ parameter qualifies patterns of 
desaturation resulting from such repetitive reductions in airflow based on 
specific characteristics.
The SPD™ parameter qualifies these patterns of desaturation over a period of six 
(6) minutes. Depending on the sensitivity setting for SPD, patterns that persist 
may result in an SPD alarm, alerting the caregiver to the condition.
The severity of the desaturation event (the depth of the desaturation during 
the event) and the extent of the following resaturation
The regularity of the desaturation events (how often the pattern repeats)
The slope of the desaturation/resaturation trends that form the events
The SPD™ parameter communicates information to the caregiver about these 
patterns of desaturation in a variety of ways with icons and alarms.
When the indicator reaches capacity, indicating the SPD™ limit has been 
reached, an audible alarm sounds and an alarm message flashes. The default 
setting of one (1) is the most sensitive to desaturation patterns and results in 
more frequent alarms. For less frequent alarms, use a less sensitive setting of 
two (2) or three (3).
Unrecognized repetitive reductions in airflow through the upper airway 
occur in some clinically significant scenarios. Patients exhibiting sleep 
apnea symptoms were used in studies to validate the SPD™ Alert 
parameter. The presence of repetitive reductions in airflow was scored using 
a standard diagnostic polysomnogram. Study results indicate SPD is a 
sensitive marker in detecting repetitive reductions in airflow.