Motorola MCF5281 用户手册

页码 816
MCF5282 User’s Manual
68K/ColdFire Interrupt Architecture Overview  
correct operation, the ColdFire requires that, once asserted, the interrupt source remain
asserted until explicitly disabled by the interrupt service routine.
During the interrupt exception processing, the CPU enters supervisor mode, disables trace
mode and then fetches an 8-bit vector from the interrupt controller. This byte-sized operand
fetch is known as the interrupt acknowledge (IACK) cycle with the ColdFire
implementation using a special encoding of the transfer type and transfer modifier
attributes to distinguish this data fetch from a “normal” memory access. The fetched data
provides an index into the exception vector table which contains 256 addresses, each
pointing to the beginning of a specific exception service routine. In particular, vectors 64 -
255 of the exception vector table are reserved for user interrupt service routines. The first
64 exception vectors are reserved for the processor to handle reset, error conditions (access,
address), arithmetic faults, system calls, etc. Once the interrupt vector number has been
retrieved, the processor continues by creating a stack frame in memory. For ColdFire, all
exception stack frames are 2 longwords in length, and contain 32 bits of vector and status
register data, along with the 32-bit program counter value of the instruction that was
interrupted (see Section 2.6, “Exception Stack Frame Definition” for more information on
the stack frame format). After the exception stack frame is stored in memory, the processor
accesses the 32-bit pointer from the exception vector table using the vector number as the
offset, and then jumps to that address to begin execution of the service routine. After the
status register is stored in the exception stack frame, the SR[I] mask field is set to the level
of the interrupt being acknowledged, effectively masking that level and all lower values
while in the service routine. For many peripheral devices, the processing of the IACK cycle
directly negates the interrupt request, while other devices require that request to be
explicitly negated during the processing of the service routine. 
For the MCF5282, the processing of the interrupt acknowledge cycle is fundamentally
different than previous 68K/ColdFire cores. In the new approach, all IACK cycles are
directly handled by the interrupt controller, so the requesting peripheral device is not
accessed during the IACK. As a result, the interrupt request must be explicitly cleared in
the peripheral during the interrupt service routine. For more information, see
Section, “Interrupt Vector Determination.”
Unlike the M68000 family, all ColdFire processors guarantee that the first instruction of the
service routine is executed before sampling for interrupts is resumed. By making this initial
instruction a load of the SR, interrupts can be safely disabled, if required.
During the execution of the service routine, the appropriate actions must be performed on
the peripheral to negate the interrupt request. 
For more information on exception processing, see the ColdFire Programmer’s Reference