Avaya 18d 用户指南

页码 263
Possible Cause 5:  Too many standard devices are trying to dial simultaneously. (If the
problem is on a system phone, go to Possible Cause 6.)
What to do: Stay on the line and wait for dial tone, or try your call later.
If you can make a call, you may want to increase the number of touch-tone receivers
by adding 206 (1 receiver) or 400 (2 receivers) modules to avoid future problems.
Call the AT&T Helpline.*
If you wait 30 seconds and still do not hear a dial tone, go to Possible Cause 6.
Possible Cause 6:  Local phone company line is faulty.
What to do: One at a time, unplug each outside line from the 206, 400, or 200 module
inside the control unit. Then plug each line into a standard telephone and try to make a
If the trouble appears on the standard phone, try another line cord; if the trouble
persists, report it to your local phone company.
If the trouble does not appear on the standard phone, the trouble is with your control
unit. Call the AT&T Helpline.*
Calls are Answered Automatically
A call rings once, then disappears as if it were answered.
Possible Cause:  An auxiliary device answers when it should not (could occur with a fax
machine, voice messaging system, answering machine, or modem).
What to do: Be sure the device is set to answer correctly. If the device answers before it
should, adjust it to answer on a later ring. If the device should not answer calls at all, turn
its auto-answer feature off. Refer to the device’s user manual.
For every auxiliary device connected to your system, either set the device itself to
answer on a later ring (when the Line Ringing for the device’s extension is set to
Immediate Ring) or set the extension’s Line Ringing to Delayed Ring. For a voice
messaging system, check all the settings associated with it. See page 2-11 for a
summary of procedures associated with the voice messaging system and Chapter 5
for complete details on each feature. If the auxiliary device no longer answers calls
automatically, the problem is solved.
If the problem remains, call the AT&T Helpline.*
In the continental U.S., help is available at 1 800 628-2888. Outside the continental U.S., call your local
AT&T Authorized Dealer.