Redline Communications Inc. AN50S 用户手册

页码 76
AN-50 System User Manual 
Redline Communications 
…..solving the first mile challenge
•  System Config 
•  System Password 
•  ID Config / Status 
•  Upload Software 
•  Reset button on System Status 
An example of the user name and password screen is shown in Figure 14.  There are 2 
users – “user” and :admin”. The default value (set at the factory) for both the user name 
and password for the Administrator is "admin". This login allows access to all screens.    
The default value (set at the factory) for both the user name and password for the User 
is "user". This login denies access to the System Config, System Password, ID Config / 
Status, Upload Software and Reset Button on System Status screens. Refer to the 
System Password screen to change the password for future sessions.  If the password is 
changed, record it in a secure location for future reference.  Note that the user name 
cannot be changed from "admin". 
Figure 14: User Name And Password Dialog 
The main menu on the left includes the following links: 
•  General Information 
•  System Status 
•  System Log 
•  System Config 
•  System Password 
•  ID Browser 
•  ID Config / Status  
•  Upload Software 
The General Information page does not accept input from the user. Data shown on this 
page may be modified via the Configuration page. 
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