Motorola MCF5281 用户手册

页码 816
MCF5282 User’s Manual
MCF5282 Key Features  
— Up to seven chip selects available
— Byte/write enables (byte strobes)
— Ability to boot from internal Flash memory or external memories that are 8, 16, 
or 32 bits wide
• Reset
— Separate reset in and reset out signals
— Seven sources of reset:
– Power-on reset (POR)
– External
– Software
– Watchdog
– Loss of clock
– Loss of lock
– Low-voltage detection (LVD)
— Status flag indication of source of last reset
• Chip integration module (CIM)
— System configuration during reset
— Support for single chip, master, and test modes 
— Selects one of four clock modes
— Sets boot device and its data port width
— Configures output pad drive strength
— Unique part identification number and part revision number
• General purpose I/O interface
— Up to 142 bits of general purpose I/O
— Coherent 32-bit control
— Bit manipulation supported via set/clear functions
— Unused peripheral pins may be used as extra GPIO
• JTAG support for system-level board testing